Philip Kotler introducing Essentials of Modern Marketing
Books on marketing can inevitably be called into question as there are so many works on the subject. However, many of them are either too difficult to understand, too lengthy or not related to practical decision making. Against this background, the aim of this book is to deal with modern marketing in such a way that covers as few pages and is as accessible as possible, while communicating the fundamental, most important theoretical aspects and facilitating the transfer of this knowledge to real-life decision situations. It concentrates on the essential marketing know- how for both, practitioners and students worldwide.

Philip Kotler
"My warm greetings to everyone reading “Essentials of Modern Marketing.” This book presents an up-to-date and insightful account of the working of modern marketing in today’s turbulent times.
This book is not only about marketing and selling a product or service. It is about finding and building a future using the new tools of modern marketing. I hope this book will be read by managers and employees at all levels as well as professors teaching management and marketing. It can produce a generation of students who care about humanity, innovation, society, and a better world through marketing.
This book can lead your company to discover new talents, capabilities, and opportunities. It deals with modern marketing in such a way that covers as few pages and is as accessible as possible, while communicating the fundamental, most important theoretical aspects and facilitating the transfer of this knowledge to real-life decision situations. It concentrates on the essential marketing know-how for both, practitioners and students worldwide.
Most marketing textbooks deal exclusively with the operational aspect of marketing or the strategic part. This modern marketing book not only integrates all relevant aspects of marketing but also structures them in such a way, that both practitioners and students acquire a comprehensive and holistic overview, how it all fits together. This is achieved by the structure of the book which follows the marketing planning and decision-making process inside the enterprise."
Remember Peter Drucker’s emphasis on marketing and innovation as the fundamental crafts of a winning company. “When you’re disrupted, don’t give up. Never Stop!”